Sport Massage & Assisted Deep Stretching

Sport Massage
Experience targeted relief and enhanced recovery with our specialized sports massage. Tailored to fitness enthusiasts and new comers alike, it promotes muscle recovery, reduces tension, and optimizes performance. Rejuvenate your body at AFROFIT Recovery Lab.

Assisted Deep Stretching
Assisted Deep Stretchingat AFROFIT: Elevate your flexibility and unwind with our specialized assisted deep stretching sessions. Tailored to enhance your range of motion, relieve tension, and promote overall well-being, our expert-guided stretches are designed for individuals seeking relaxation or looking to improve athletic performance. Immerse yourself in a rejuvenating experience at AFROFIT Recovery Lab, where personalized care meets optimal recovery.


Our personalized physiotherapy treatments are crafted to address your unique needs. Whether recovering from an injury or aiming to improve mobility, our expert team ensures targeted care. Experience tailored sessions designed to enhance your physical well-being and support your journey to peak performance at AFROFIT Recovery Lab.